Monday 29 April 2013

My Day Minus Nocturns from Wednesday

I do not have a copy of the schedule in front of me, but it is something like this. This is not exact but close. There are seven hours to sing, plus Mass, plus Adoration, study, lectio divina, private prayer, chores.

5.15am - Rise.
5.30am - Nocturns, silent prayer, reading, breakfast (toast and tea or coffee only).
7.00am - Lauds - morning prayers.
7.30am - Community Mass 
9.15am -Terce
9:30 Morning Work
12.00 noon - End of morning work. Adoration or dinner prep depending on personal schedule

12.10pm - Sext 
12.30pm - Dinner
1:30 Afternoon Reflection

2:30 Afternoon work
(rota for Adoration is in all these between times as well) personal lectio divina
3:30 Common time and work
3:15 None
4:30 Vespers
5:00 Adoration and chores
6.30pm - Supper (soup and bread, some fruit), prayer and reading.
7:00 Chores or Adoration
8:15 - Compline - end of day canticles, prayer and benediction.
8.30 Lock up
9:00 to 9:30 bed depending on duties; younger ones or healthier ones do more chores even until 10:00