Tuesday 23 April 2013

News from Supertradmum

In nine days, I am going into the enclosure at Tyburn. This is the second trial, but the first "in", as I was in the guest house before. That is how the Benedictines do it. First, one is in the guest house for several months, and then one is asked into the enclosure, or one asks and is accepted or not. I left last time thinking it was too hard, but Mother and I want me to try again.

I am in this second stage. I enter with fear and trembling, knowing that if this is God's Will, He will have to make it happen in my life. He will have to give me the physical strength.

For those who read this blog, you know how much I love the Benedictine Rule and especially, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, my favourite saint. Tyburn is more Cistercian in its simplicity and strictness. Again, I am going for the "marines" of the religious life. I am called to contemplation and prayer. This is too hard in my world at this time.

I ask your prayers. In the past week and in this week, I am buying whites and blacks to wear and all the stuff on the list Mother General sent me. I still need a heavy warm wooly plain black jumper (sweater) as I have not been able to find one under a hundred pounds, and there are zero in the charity shops (second hand shops) here. Pray I can find one. Also, the nice wooly tights I found in Ireland I cannot find in England, so pray about those as well.

I thank Marsha for helping me buy what I need, as the list is very specific.

Pray to Mother Adele Garnier, the Foundress for me.

I humbly ask for your prayers. The blog will continue until I go in and when I go in, you shall seen my "dolphins" singing to you. I go in on May 1st.