Wednesday 24 April 2013

Reminder of Infallibility and Being Adult Catholics

We in the Catholic Church have a teaching on infallibility for a reason. Not all things done or said by popes, cardinals, bishops or priests are infallible  I remind some commentators of this, who respond to criticisms of those in authority as if everything they said was true and good.

Not so.

I have several posts on infallibility as a reminder. There are more than this, especially on the levels of infallibility, which go back to January this year and last year. Use the tags.

A reminder of the Teaching of the Church on infallibility...and a few other things

Catholics need to grow up and be adults and not children.

Look at my post on the stages of the spiritual life from St. Bernard. Look under the tags perfection and perfection again. We are at first children, being disciplined and trained. Then we move to calling God Our Lord and Master, being led into discipleship as adults. Finally, we are in a Bridal relationship with God. To purposefully stay in the state of childhood is not to take responsibility for one's own thoughts and actions. One merely repeats what is said or done without thinking.

Childhood in the spirit must yield to the other two stages.

And, ad hominem or curse words are NOT acceptable in comments. Sorry, this is a civilized blog.