Thursday 11 April 2013

WOW! US Government to Choose Ministers?

Sen. Cruz: Obama Wants Power to Choose Ministers at Churches

Barack Obama claims not to be a dictator, but his government did try to seize a power worthy of King Henry VIII. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is keeping tabs on what the Obama government is up to. He released a report this weekdetailing its attempts to abuse and expand its power.
Cruz points to Obama’s own Supreme Court appointees, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, to make his case:
Supreme Court nominees join their colleagues in unanimously rejecting the Administration’s call for broader federal power six times in just over one year, the inescapable conclusion is that the Obama Administration’s view of federal power knows virtually no bounds,” the senator’s report said.
The Obama administration’s over-reaching includes attempts to electronically track Americans without cause and deny churches the right to choose their own ministers.
In one case, Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School v. EEOC, the Justice Department argued it “had the right to oversee a church’s choosing of ministers,” which even Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan called “amazing.”
Cruz highlights one exchange between Kagan and Leondra Kruger, a DOJ lawyer, in which Kagan asked, “Do you believe, Ms. Kruger, that a church has a right that’s grounded in the Free Exercise Clause and/or the Establishment Clause to institutional autonomy with respect to its employees?”
“We don’t see that line of church autonomy principles in the Religious Clause jurisprudence as such,” Kruger said.
Kagan, who served as Solicitor General under Obama, said it was “amazing” that DOJ believed that “neither the Free Exercise Clause nor the Establishment Clause has anything to say about a church’s relationship with its own employees.”
The court went on to unanimously reject the DOJ’s claim, saying, “We cannot accept the remarkable view that the Religion Clauses have nothing to say about a religious organization’s freedom to select its own ministers.”
It is astonishing that any American administration would attempt to seize such power.
This is a power mad, intolerant, secretive administration — among the worst in American history on established civil rights.

Talk about synchronicity with my recusancy article...