Thursday 30 May 2013

Feast Day of St. Joan of Arc

Joan teaches us several things as lay people:

1) To be courageous in following the way of perfection, when one exhibits the heroic virtues and all the virtues given to us in Confirmation;

2) To be able to separate in our minds the office of the bishops and clergy and the person--for example, I respect the Cardinal of New York as a priest in his sacramental office, but I do not respect him as involved in the false political machinations of that state; Joan did the same thing;

3) To be able to be an example to those around us in being disciplined;

4) To love God and His Church above all else, including our selves;

5) To pray and fast for discernment and never to lose this gift through self-love.

St. Joan of Arc, pray for us.