Monday 27 May 2013

The ostensorium which is the soul

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and fill up on my part that which is lacking of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church Colossians 1:24 DR

Suffering becomes a thing of joy, believe it or not. This is hard to rationally explain, but one welcomes pain and suffering, anxieties and misunderstandings, with patience and a quiet joy which comes from the knowledge that one has been invited to share Christ's pain and suffering, in a much smaller way.

A person told me today that we are all like little monstrances in the world, carrying the Precious Body, and in my mind, the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus into the world. I have been aware in the past that I carry Christ out into the world.

This comment resonated with me and reassured me, as in Malta, London, or wherever, my little prayer after Adoration or Mass has been, "Let there be one person carrying Your Presence out into the world in London", (or Valetta, or Dublin). I say as I walk, "Lord here is, at least, one person who is loving and adoring You today on the streets of ....."

We can all do this, daily after Mass and Adoration. We are the Presence of Christ in the world.