Monday 20 May 2013

There are still Catholics I meet almost daily...

...who think Obama is a great man. Arrgghh. I cannot get through to these closed minds. 
Maybe this article from the superb Life Site News would help these people; some are from African background, some are nuns (not Tyburn, they know and are savvy), some are priests, some are Liberals. I want them to understand the evil of this anti-life president. He was consistently anti-life way back in 2004, when he was a senator in Illinois. Many of us pro-lifers tried to stop his career then.

"... President Obama had a half-brother or half-sister who, rather than having the chance to thrive and succeed as he has, ended up in a dumpster in London.  The more complex reality for the president to grapple with is that it is not that far of a stretch to assume, given the complexities of his relationship with mother Ann Dunham, that Barack Obama, Sr. might have preferred the same end for our current president,” Heck writes. “Such a scenario, beyond offering a brand new perspective on Obama’s memoir Dreams from my Father, would provide the most pro-abortion president our country has ever known with the same chilling realization that so many of us born after the disastrous Roe decision encounter: had it not been for the strength and resolve of loving, pro-life mothers, we could have been legally slaughtered.”
“This disquieting account about his father allows our current President the chance to put himself where his half-brother or half-sister once was…where he once was…and reconsider his tragic position on life in the womb,” he writes.
He continues:  “As I read the heartbreaking details of this story about a soul deprived of its unalienable right to breathe free, I’m taken back to President Obama’s response to Rick Warren at the Saddleback Church presidential forum in the lead-up to the 2008 election.  Asked when a baby gets human rights, Obama cowardly surrendered righteousness for convenience and politics, infamously asserting that “answering that question with specificity is above my pay grade.”
“That embarrassing response shouldn’t have been a surprise given that just a few months prior, Barack Obama addressed the issue of sex education on the campaign trail.  Speaking specifically about his own daughters, the man who could have been aborted himself proclaimed, “I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals.  But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.” Like father, like son.”