Thursday 20 June 2013

A Pathetic Arrogance

I have been watching leaders of the Western World, and a few from the East and have come up with a phrase for their strange messianic complexes-a pathetic arrogance.

Now, the word pathetic means, in one definition, arousing pity, and in another, miserably inadequate.

Both of these definitions may be used to describe most of the leaders of Europe and some in the East.

No names are necessary, are they?

My pity is aroused because so many of these neo-communists and socialists of the West are mere puppets.

Someone else is pulling their strings. These men are so locked in the materialistic dialectic that they cannot spot the spiritual dimension of their own lives, their own leadership. That arouses my pity.

For those who have a spiritual view of the universe, the perspective follows a different angle. When the ultimate goal of a person is Eternal Life, the parameters of judgement change drastically. That so many of these men and even some women lack this perspective draws out pity from my heart.

However, the second definition causes me to see the death of the West in their very miserable inadequacies.

The ending of classical education over a hundred years ago, and the violent removing of the soul from secular politics in the Protestant Revolt, making most political movements purely utilitarian, has left us all with a leadership crisis. We in the West are ruled by the second or third or fourth best.

The cream of the crop either were killed in the two Great World Wars, going over the trenches first, or they were marginalized by the secular humanist now atheist cabals of academia.

Pity and mediocrity?

I have no answer except to develop personal holiness, and make your own way through discernment and purification, begging for honesty in your own life.

Do not become one of those whose pity overcomes rational discourse. The victimization syndrome of our leaders is growing-we have allowed them to remain weak, while excluding the strong from public office. And, the weak are in control of all the parties, for the most part.

Without the spiritual, the material takes over. Once the soul has left the body, the body begins to rot.

So, too, with Western Civilization.