Wednesday 5 June 2013

Busy Supertradmum

As some of you know, I have recently finished a drama on Walsingham and am trying to get it produced. Please keep that in your prayers. I am now working on one about the Foundress of Tyburn, as I got permission from Mother General to do this.

I am honored to be able to do this.

By the way, critics say this Darcy is closest to the book. Comments?  I love this 1980 series.

By the way two, I have done a really un-nunny thing this week and watched TWO Jane Austen movies at home.

One is the Sense and Sensibility by Emma Thompson, which is great.

The second is the Northanger Abbey from 2007, which is good. Some people like the 1986 version better, including me. Hate the musical score, however.
