Sunday 9 June 2013

"It is the will of Parliament."

What  about the will of God? Anglican bishops cave on same-sex marriage bill.

LifeSiteNews is great, as usual.

“Both Houses of Parliament have now expressed a clear view by large majorities on the principle that there should be legislation to enable same-sex marriages to take place in England and Wales,” said Rt. Rev. Tim Stevens, Bishop of Leicester, the Convenor of the Lords Spiritual. “It is now the duty and responsibility of the Bishops who sit in the House of Lords to recognize the implications of this decision and to join with other Members in the task of considering how this legislation can be put into better shape.”
Stevens added, “For the Bishops, the issue now is not primarily one of protections and exemptions for people of faith, important though it is to get that right, not least where teaching in schools and freedom of speech are concerned.”
There are a number of other “key” issues left to address, he said, including the approach of the bill towards “the question of fidelity in marriage and the rights of children.”
The bill maintains that adultery is legal grounds for divorce for heterosexual couples but not for same-sex partners.