Tuesday 11 June 2013

Modesty and Evangelization

Well, the most angry and strident comments are ALWAYS on this topic.

Both here and in the States, there are wonderful young women between 18-36 who have been called to the New Evangelization. Many get degrees and certifications in catechesis from colleges and universities. I have worked with some of these women in the past.

They are smart and savvy about the teaching of the Church. They love Christ and His People.

But, too often, in fact frequently, they belie their commitment to God and their own femininity with choice of their clothes.

In my work with youth, I have attended workshops and even presentations, as well as been involved in street  ministry with youth who have serious issues concerning dress.

Here is a partial list:
leggings under short skirts or shorts
tight jeans
low cut tops and tops which show the midriff
sloppy rugby or football shirts
dumping jeans
blouses which fall off one shoulder
tight sleeveless tops
boho syle, which is messy
bling or what are called harem sandals
occultic symbols in earrings and bracelets

and so on.

These obvious signs reveal two problems which indicated a lack of interior conversion. In the old days, one could not be in ministry so many years after conversion in order to get the world out of one's soul. The time was usually two years.

The two problems are these: one, some young women HATE femininity in themselves, and see this gift of God as weakness. These women need healing or some type of psychology awareness of this hatred of themselves which is revealed in the wearing of men's clothing, such as football jerseys and boy cut jeans.

A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 22:5

The second problem is that some of these women are coming out of highly sexualized lives and have not been weaned from sexy clothes.

Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire. 1 Timothy 2:9

It is the duty of those who are training them for evangelization to bring these young women to the realization that such dress is contrary to Christian womanhood.

We live in a pagan culture, not a Christian culture. Why do we conform to pagan dress? If a woman is drawing attention to herself sexually, or in a messy manner, she is not evangelizing the Gospel I know. She is advertising herself.

We speak with our bodies more than with our words.

I do not listen to them. I do not support their groups.

Something is wrong.

And, here is a website for modest clothing.
