Tuesday 11 June 2013

Modesty is a Virtue

Part Two for today on modesty--

We speak with our bodies more than our words. Modesty is a virtue. It is a virtue in the depth of the soul and connected to prudence, temperance, chastity, charity, and discretion.

Modesty lets one decrease and God increase, as St. John the Baptist spoke of himself and Christ.

If modesty is a virtue, and it is, why is it not cultivated? Why is it ignored? 

Why is there confusion? It is an intuition which comes from the interior of the Holy Spirit. If the intuition is lacking, why? It is about respect for one's self and one's brothers and sisters in the Lord. 

Women create unhealthy curiosity, and if a woman dresses like a man, she might be a cause of temptation for a woman with ssa. 

The interior life shines forth to the exterior.

The forms taken by modesty vary from one culture to another. Everywhere, however, modesty exists as an intuition of the spiritual dignity proper to man. It is born with the awakening consciousness of being a subject. Teaching modesty to children and adolescents means awakening in them respect for the human person (CCC 2524).

Modesty protects the mystery of persons and their love. It encourages patience and moderation in loving relationships; it requires that the conditions for the definitive giving and commitment of man and woman to one another be fulfilled. Modesty is decency. It inspires one's choice of clothing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evident risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet (CCC 2522).

Some ideas here  http://www.catholichomeandgarden.com/catholic_modesty.htm