Friday 21 June 2013


21 on June 21 + this one = 22

Time to go do something else! I write FAST.

So, today, I prayed, did Lectio Divina, did dishes three times, cleaned the kitchen and tidied up the bathroom, dining room and living room, read, tidied up my bedroom, ate three meals, did some laundry, did lots and lots of tweets, thought about my new play, talked to several friends in person and on the phone, dusted, cleaned the top of the stove really well, made coffee, took a shower and washed my hair, watched two Voris videos, read several news magazines online, wrote on several blogs as a commentator, played with a baby, watched the cat do silly things, helped a friend with a problem, did research on several topics, set up a new poll, looked at myriads of pictures and photos, made several phone calls for business and pleasure, wrote many e-mails, left several skype messages, watched the rose petals falling off the climbing vine, listened to the larks, sorted out winter clothes from spring, made two appointments for next week, did more research, thought more thoughts, did my nails, and did not do all I wanted to do....but the NSA knew ALMOST all of this, and now ALL...thinking about lighting out to the territories! I am sure I forgot to mention something! Oh, remembered it, tried to stay off my sprained ankle. I am sure I am missing something.........