Sunday 7 July 2013

Advice from a Spiritual Director

I am not going to comment on the new encyclical. There are many other commentators on this. It is a departure from what we have seen, so do not look for Benedict beyond the beginning, although it seems to reveal his notes..And, a good priest explained something to me about chasing after experiential religion.

Today, I want to share with you the sermon at a TLM I attended. It was superb, on the Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Firstly, the holy priest said that our emphasis in the Church on the Body and Blood of Christ is centered on the Eucharist. He noted that once Christ ascended into Heaven, in the Hypostatic Union-here defined on this link, that only in the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, is Christ's Blood present to us.

His blood is NOT in the various locations in the world. Those so-called miracles of blood are not Christ's blood, as He has given us only the Eucharist for such love and adoration.

Again, this is an important distinction and one I appreciated, as there are too many people chasing after mystical phenomenon without looking keenly at the Daily Miracle on the Altar.

Stop chasing after visions and phenomenon and go to Mass as often as possible. God bless you all.