Sunday 14 July 2013

God Is Good and Thoughts on Order

Two weeks ago, I honestly thought I had to give up blogging. But, a rhythm for my life, which I thought could not happen so quickly, is emerging. I can pray for so many hours of the day, blog and twitter, save some days for creative writing, and still obey the call within me.

I had spiritual advice as well as practical advice, and the simplification of my life is falling into place. 

The key is daily Mass. For months, where I was living in Kent, I could not get to daily Mass. Then, as I was ill for such a long time, I could not get to daily Mass. 

The second key to the order of my day is following as many of the Liturgical Hours as possible. For some reason, more than any other type of prayer, this has been my need. I still miss being with the nuns, but I can be with them in spirit when praying parts of the Divine Office. 

Thirdly, I still follow the work and pray routine of Benedict, which I have interiorized. This order allows me to do physical labor and pray and write and  do my Lectio Divina.

But, the biggest freedom is that I am spending most of the day in complete silence. I choose this freely.

Writing and tweeting are communications which are as demanding as speech. In silence is my strength.

And, one sins less in silence, believe me.

So, the key is choosing priorities. I cannot blog every day, as that dissipates creative wriitng energies. But, Sunday is fine for this type of writing.

Thank you all who have been praying for me. It is interesting, but so many of you still were asking me questions to answer about Church teaching even when I was not blogging, that my time was still taken up. But, this is a good. So ask away.

As I mentioned before, there are many blogs which are covering what I have or will cover. I do not need to write about so many things.

God is good, and He orders our lives, if we let Him. But, we must be disciplined.