Saturday 27 July 2013

Review of Condemnations of Maria Divine Mercy

I have written about this heretical site for over a year. One can follow my posts under the tag private revelations. I also warn people who go to the Catholic Shrine at Walsingham not to take the messages passed out in the chapel. There is a group there misleading pilgrims. See previous posts.

Do not fall into these false visions. If you are, you are endangering your immortal soul. I found 22 errors in 45 minutes of looking at these so-called revelations last year. For your reading:

Bishop Sečka to spread the alleged Greater warning of Jesus Christ 
P: 3, 21 11th 2012 12:44, DOM 

Spis Chapter 21 November (ZENIT) - Spis Bishop Mons. Stephen Sečka issued on the basis of reports of priests and believers phone calls from the Internet
 to disseminate data big warning of Jesus Christ. On this occasion, issued an opinion that we bring in full. 

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

I learned that in some parishes is very spread messages about the so-called Great Day of God's warnings, resulting from the alleged private revelations of an Irish visionaries. These messages are distributed via the internet. I have found that it is a heretical teachings, which is not in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church and is showing signs of sectarianism. This whole doctrine is indeed poprepletaná prayers for God's mercy and calls for confession, as well as the Catholic Church teaches, but quotations from Scripture are commented and explained arbitrary and contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Similar tendencies were already in the early Church, therefore St.. Apostle Peter wrote: "Above all, you should know that no prophecy of Scripture does not allow private interpretation" (2 Peter 1: 20). 

After seeing this website I also found that believers are encouraged to have already bought so. "Seal of the living God" to be sanctified by a priest. I note that no priest faithful to Christ and his Church must cooperate in this matter, it would be guilty of transgressions against the faith and his office. For anyone who will disseminate these messages are delusional enough to apply strictly the words of Scripture, written by St. Apostle Paul to the Galatians: 

"I marvel that from him that called you into the grace of Christ are under way quickly to another gospel. Ono nor other, unless there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But if we have preached unto you we, or an angel from heaven any other gospel than we have preached unto you, let him be accursed! As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed! I can now lean people or God? Or trying to please men? If I yet pleased men, I would not be Christ's servant. "(Gal 1, 6-9). 

All believers, who perhaps out of ignorance began to believe the messages mentioned, and please urge them to leave these heretical teachings and not spread them. 

On this matter, I was obliged, in order to highlight the purity of Catholic faith, obedience and unity with the Holy Father, and for the sake of salvation of your souls. 

dedicated to Lord V + Sečka Stephen, Bishop of Spis

Bishop Andreas Laun, Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg (ackward translation)
July 2, 2012, 11:59 AM
Warning of the 'warning'

Some messages in the "warning" do not correspond with the teachings  of the Church, such as talk of "the Christian churches." A plain text of Bishop Andreas Laun about a controversial private revelation
Salzburg ( / Church of Today)

Days ago I received a call from a man with the question of what to make of "The Warning"I replied "I can not say anything, I do not know what you're talking about!" At his insistence, I had a look at the first pages of the "Warning"on the Internet .. But as for the contentmy verdict is: "warning before the warning!"

And this for the following reasons: The woman who get these "messages" claims have not been certified by heaven, as for example in Fatima through the miracle of the sun was the case, and other private revelations by other charactersAndSome things in the "warning" do not correspond to the teaching of the Church, such as talk of "the Christian churches."

According to Catholic teaching, only the Catholic and the Orthodox community are a "church," all other "churches"are only "Christian communities". - That "God Fatherof the "Hierarchies of Heaven" will fight the battle of Armageddontastes like "Lord of the Rings" and not by a private revelation that will recognize the church! Puzzlingis the message of Jesusthat he is now more than twice as heavy suffering than during his Passion - the same Jesus of the Church teaches that it sits "at the right hand of the Father"?

Ridiculous is the message that the "preparations" for the second Coming of Jesus were "in full swing - as if itwould be a campaign or a great journey that Jesus only should  "prepare !   In addition, there are a number ofmessages such as:  who is faithful, will go to heaven!  Or that we have free willthat God loves us even in difficult timesthat the Church never "go under" and is another of this kindLouder "messages" that Catholics have known for a long time! The author of this "messages"  knows how to accommodate over and over again allusions tobiblical texts in their messages and uses particularly the Book of Revelation, which is particularly well suited to obscure content and at the same time to give them a bit of the Bible's authorityOf course, serves "the warning"and the fear-mongering!

That we have reason to be worried regarding all that the future may bringwe know from revelation, but to a great extent it is enough even to read the daily newspapersAnd so on! The truth in these "warnings" we know already, the other we can safely ignore.  So warning before the warning!

She could confuse somethey change the subject from him to what God really wants from themothers just "steal" time, then missing them somewhereMoreover, if God is trying to tell us something important currentlyhe has ways and means to do it so that we also learn it without guessing games and hide-and-seeks with cleverly laid "tracks".   And finally: If I wanted I could also invent such "revelations" every day!

Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia

“Maria Divine Mercy is an Irish woman who claims to be a prophetess who asserts she receives messages and visions from Jesus and Mary, especially about the  end times and the end of the world. She claimed that she had predicted that Pope Benedict would be forced to resign, and that Pope Francis is an impostor.
“We are informed that some people are circulating these alleged messages, together with holy pictures. Please inform your people that  these matters do not have the approval of the Church, and their dissemination is to be discontinued, and any message or leaflets are to be disposed of. The Archbishop  believes that he must give authoritative guidance in this matter. [signed]–Alina Tsakonas, Personal Assistant, Office of the Vicar General.
James O’Farrell MPRIA
Director Communications
Communications Office
Cardinal Knox Centre
383 Albert Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002
PO Box 146, East Melbourne VIC 8002
Telephone: (03) 99265771
Email: james.ofarrell[at]
And an official letter from the Archbishop of Brisbane may be found here.