Tuesday 13 August 2013

Requiem for Free Speech Post 14 Today

You had all better read this.


Because of a flurry of incidents regarding bloggers, on line commentators and references, I shall no longer on this blog give links to political articles. I find this is necessary until I have clear direction as to international law regarding links, cutting and pasting and so on. I can recommend several sites for you all to follow instead and will make you do your own research. Sadly, this is the way things are going. Follow Buchanan and Spencer daily for a start. That is all I shall say at this point. Here is an example of what is going on and what will get worse.


Also, I have noticed much error on blogs and websites which  are suppose to be Catholic, but are deviating from Church teaching. I shall never quote those blogs and websites. Sadly, this is getting more common. I have stopped following some sites because of the nonsense resulting from the recent ssm debate and what the Pope did or did not say. Sadly, I may have to stop following some on line magazines, which have also fallen into direct disobedience to Rome. By the way, if the CDF makes a statement and it is signed, that is part of the second layer of infallibility of the Church. I do not argue against infallible statements and try to clarify such on this blog.

The Vatican has made it clear that posting bits of new information is not allowed. I have been using things which are in the public domain, to my knowledge. However, again, I shall confine my posts to things which are freely available. This will mean certain themes will disappear from this blog. However, the perfection series can continue.

As you all know, the good Fr. Tim has this helpful article on his blog.  This is good news for bloggers.
