Sunday 18 August 2013

Small thoughts on a Sunday

A good man that I know told me today that this present generation "trumps" objective argumentation with feelings.

How can one discuss truth with those who insist that their emotions are the locus of truth?

The arrogance of personalism and relativism shuts doors in conversation. We are fast losing the art of conversation regarding ideas.

Today, in the readings, we are reminded that Christ did not come to abolish the Law, but is the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets. We are reminded that we walk by faith.

Those who love the Law, love Christ, and those who love Christ love the Law. Charity, that is, real love, is not in the emotions, but in the will.  Obedience follows love. I can tell if an adult is in love with themselves or God first. If an adult is obedient to the laws of the Church and the Ten Commandments, that adult loves God.

Now, to really love the Law, one must be walking in faith. That is the point of St. Paul's epistle this morning. Abraham is honoured as the Father of our Faith because he loved God, and had a personal relationship with God, initiated by God, but responded to with a full heart.

If we do not feel the love of God, take heart, if you are being obedient to the Church. God recognizes the love of His obedient children.

When one is in a Benedictine monastery, love is shown by following the Rule and being obedient to one's superiors. So, too, this dynamic occurs in marriage.

If we are still confused on this point, St. Therese, the Little Flower can help us on our way to Love.

Do not pass up opportunities to love or to obey. These opportunities are life-giving. Do not say no to love or obedience.