Sunday 1 September 2013

Eight Year Olds at The Gates of Heaven in 1923: Home Schooling Advice on The Mass Part 23

Dowanhill 1932

Here is a transcript of a class of school children of the average age of eight in 1923. Part One.

This was transcribed exactly in a school in Dowanhill, Glasgow and not based on a special presentation, but on a typical day in this school. The children had handed the miniature vestments and altar ware on the children's altar. There answers are spontaneous and learned in the manners I have described so far and by watching.

Directress: This morning the priest is wearing white vestments, because it is the Octave of the Epiphany. What do we mean by the Octave of the Epiphany?

Mary: It means the eighth day after.

Directress: On what other days does the priest wear white?

Kathleen: On the Feasts of Our Lord and Our Lady.

Directress: Any others?

Joyce: Of the saints who are not martyrs.

Directress: Yes, also on the Feast of the Holy Angels. (The Directress chooses a white chasuble from amongst the others and holds it up). Now who can tell me what the colour white signifies?

Cicely: It is to show purity and innocence.

Directress: Whilst we are talking of colours, who can tell me on what days the priest wears a red vestment?

Cicely: On the FeastS of the Holy Martyrs.

Directress: Any others? (Pause). Also on the Feast of Pentecost. What other colours does the priest wear?

Margaret: Purple.
Dowanhill Catholic Teacher Training College

Directress: When does the priest wear purple?

Margaret: During Lent.

Directress: At any other time?

Cicely: During Advent.

Directress: Are those all the liturgical colours used?

Several: No, Miss X, also green and black.

Directress: When is black used?

Margaret: At Masses for the dead.

Directress: At any other time?

Mary: On Good Friday.

Directress: Very good, and when is green used?

Joan: On all the other days which are not special days.

Directress: Who can tell me which vestments are changed according to the different Feasts and times of the liturgical year?

Joyce: The chasuble, the stole, and the maniple.

Directress: Anything else?

Mary: Also the thing-I do not know what it is called-which is put under the Missal.

Directress: That is the Missal cloth; and we must not forget the tabernacle veil, the chalice veil, and the burse. Now who would like to lay out the vestments which the priest uses for Mass?
(All hands do up eagerly). Well, Joan, you may try. (Joan takes up the chasuble).

Directress: What is the name of the vestment which you have in your hands?

Joan: This is the chasuble.

Directress: Of what does the chasuble remind us?

Mary: It is to remind us of the Cross which Our Lord carried on His shoulders.
Dowanhill Pugin Designed Chapel, 1898 at The College

Directress: The next one, Joan. (She picks up the alb).

Joan: This is the alb.

Directress: What does it represent?

Margaret: It is to remind us of the robe which Herod put on Our Lord, when they mocked Him.

Directress: Now, the other things. (Joan picks up the amice, girdle, stole and maniple, and their significance is explained). Will somebody arrange them in their right order as the priest will want them when he puts them on. (This is done). As the priest puts on the garments, he says a special prayer with each. Do you see that little cross on the amice? What is that to remind us of?

Mary: That the Mass is the same Sacrifice as that of the Cross.

To be continued......from The Appendix in The Child in the Church  London: Sands and Co.: 1929 by Maria Montessori.