Thursday 5 September 2013

How To Discern for Readers and Bloggers

There are so many good comments and posts at this time on line. But, there are more and more comments, posts and even blogs which are pushing false teaching about the Church and which are not leading readers to holiness, which is our job.

Catholic blogging in a ministry of love. I wrote about this before here. It takes just as much time and energy as preparing and giving an RCIA class. One must pray for one's readers and commentators.

How does one discern which blogs to read and study?

1) Does the blogger give sources which are Catholic and credible?

2) Does the blogger respect readers and commentators?

3) Does the blogger love Christ and His Church more than himself?

4) Does the blogger stay orthodox?

If a blogger continually quotes priests or nuns or others who are not orthodox, one may not catch the deceit.

Pray to be able to discern using the gift of wisdom given to you at Confirmation.

Look for both Faith and Reason. Not all voices are reasonable, or faithful.

This blogger loves the Church, and I am orthodox squeaky clean.

There are many excellent blogs out there which are orthodox. Do not waste time with those bloggers who do not love Holy Mother Church.  We must love the Church and feed those who are starving for the Truth.