Wednesday 18 September 2013

More from The Great Ignatius

St. Ignatius writes about the giving of alms. In doing so, he gives a charming story of SS. Joachim and Anne regarding alms. Ignatius tells us that this holy couple divided their goods into threes. Now, a disclaimer-this is a sweet story and not at all formal teaching. But, the story which Ignatius shares is this. The couple took their wealth and divided into threes One third went to the poor, one to the upkeep of the Temple, and one for their personal needs.

Ignatius writes that all people should use less than they might think they need in order to give alms. and giving more to the poor. Ignatius notes that at our particular judgement, God will judge us primarily as to fulfilling our duties as to our state in life. But, we shall also be judged on alms-giving.

Alms giving is not tithing, which is one of the laws of the Church. We must give something to the upkeep of the Church according the our ability. Some give five percent, some ten. Alms giving is over and above tithing.

SS. Joachim and Anne can be our models in generosity. And, remember, no one has ever outdone God in generosity.