Saturday 14 September 2013

On angels and not from a new age view

Father Ripperger, in one of his talks, states that angels are stronger and smarter that humans. I was talking to a friend who could not understand that Satan was extremely intelligent, more so that the smartest human being. He was arguing with me that God would not have an evil being smarter than a human in sanctifying grace.

Sorry. This is simply not true. As an exorcist, Father Ripperger is well-experienced in angelology from solid orthodox view. Angels communicate with something like telepathy and can will to be somewhere and are.

We would be full of pride to think we can come up against demonic power by ourselves. Too many charismatics think they are dealing with angels when in reality they are being deceived. Only priests who are appointed exorcists under a bishop and those lay people who may be on a diocese exorcist team. No one else can be doing the work of dealing with evil spirits. This is a huge deception from the charismatic renewal.

Father Ripperger reminds us that angels were created in innocence; they have only three virtues, faith, hope and charity. They also were created in sanctifying grace. They were creating in a state of knowing. But, they function differently than we do. If they think of something, they know all about it according to their nature.

Each angel from creation had a role to play in relationship with Christ. So, Lucifer knew that he would serve a God-Man. Satan could not accept the fact that Mary, a woman, would excel him in grace-a woman and a person.

He rejected Christ because of Mary, says St. Louis de Montfort. Therefore, Mary will be the one to overcome Christ and did through the Incarnation. Our Guardian Angels knew from the moment of their creation to whom they would be a guardian. How wonderful. The second act of charity of

From the first moment of their creation they knew and chose God or against God. Christ said, Satan was a liar from the beginning. Father Ripperger, from whose talks I have taken this knowledge, states that the battle imagery is just fake. Of course, he is correct, as pure intellect chooses immediately.

One of the most interesting things which Fr. Ripperger states is that angels should not be depicted as women, and that this is a new thing in more recent times, than in the past.

Every single angelic nature is different from each angel. Their differences are huge. All priests have two angels-a second one received at ordination.

Father Ripperger states what we know, that sin makes human stupid, but not angels. They have all the intelligence given to them before their fall. Demons do not know future events and cannot read our minds. Father Ripperger warns us all to stay in sanctifying grace. Without grace, we do not have a chance against demons. Period. The demons experience the pain of loss-they will never be happy, as they are separated forever from God. Certain actions open one up to demonic activity. Do not commit mortal sin and try and work to stay away from venial sin.  The saints take the place of the lost demons. Cool...And we have actual grace to gain us the place we have in heaven. Father Ripperger is particularly fond of St. Padre Pio., btw.

Father reminded us that the Vatican said we cannot, cannot name our guardian angels. Only those who have authority over someone can name them. If you have done this, repent.

Maybe, to be continued...