Thursday 19 September 2013

Reminder to Readers on No Anonymous

Anonymous are not published here, as on most blogs. Note that on the side of this blog. I think in this stage of blogging, most people should know that.

Also, the nasty comments are usually by Anonymous. Therefore, if someone disagrees and is Anonymous, of course I cannot post this. If someone who disagrees wants a discussion, please use some sort of name and we can discuss, even in disagreement. But, I do not discuss if someone is merely ranting and raving without substance and using personal insults. Rational discourse, please.

I think those who are nasty and Anonymous do not want to discuss, are not open and merely want to be nasty. So be it....And a thought, if those who are following private revelations not approved or not yet approved, and these people are nasty, what does that say about following the path to holiness through these false seers? I do not attack individuals, merely faulty thinking and flawed ideas of how to pursue holiness.

Interesting....Also, I have given the opinions of bishops and other clergyman on all points, as well as applying the teachings of the great saints. All my opinions are based on studies, not merely feelings, which is why on this blog there are always sources.

Many readers may not understand that in order to discuss, one must have points, not feelings. But, basing an argument on feelings is exactly part of the problem with those who follow religious experiences.

Thanks, STM