Thursday 10 October 2013

A Finger in The Dike
Malta is under siege again. Pray, as ssm legislation will be voted upon in the next month, the Maltese tell me.

For hundreds of years, Malta stood against the enemies of Christ's Church. The Great Siege of Malta occurred in 1565, when the Catholics overcame the Muslims.

It was a miracle that the battle was won. This graph shows the sides.

The Knights HospitallerThe Ottomans
500 Knights Hospitaller6,000 Spahis (cavalry)
400 Spanish soldiers500 Spahis from Karamania
800 Italian soldiers6,000 Janissaries
500 soldiers from the galleys (Spanish Empire)400 adventurers from Mytheline
200 Greek and Sicilian soldiers2,500 Spahis from Rouania
100 soldiers of the garrison of Fort St. Elmo3,500 adventurers from Rouania
100 servants of the knights4,000 "religious servants"
500 galley slaves6,000 other volunteers
3,000 soldiers drawn from the Maltese populationVarious corsairs from Tripoli and Algiers
Total: 6,100Total: 28,500 from the East, 48,000 in all