Thursday 17 October 2013

Gossip and News

Thanks to wiki
First... a rant on selling gossip

Do we really need to know nasty things about famous people? Biographies about the living or the dead have increasingly become merely sensational books slandering people with talking over coffee tidbits.

I do not think this is useful for history or for our souls. I have stopped reading anything but highly scholarly biographies, and then, even some of them, fall into the titillation mode.

Why do we need all the sexual details of John Maynard Keynes, Oscar Wilde, or Steve Jobs?

I find that those who indulge in such things merely add to a general negativity about life, the universe and everything. Cynicism is a sin, and for those reading one after another of the biographies of politicians or the rich and famous can so easily fall into cynicism.

Second...a rant on news.

For the first time in four years, I have seen CNN on the television here in Malta and I am shocked at the lack of news and lack of objectivity. CNN is into brainwashing, period. I did not see one objective news program in two sessions of sitting down with a friend. This group cannot calls itself a professional set of journalists.

The entire three shows I watched were not only of a low standard of reporting, using emotive, "yellow journalism" language, but also, repetitious interviews which "signified nothing".

Rants over....