Wednesday 9 October 2013

Not a re-post-some things are just clearer and more obvious now

Michael Walzer in the Winter 1996 issue of the Marxist journal Dissent. see here for more

 "Gramscian 'war of position,' " Walzer approvingly cited, among other developments: 

"The visible impact of feminism." 

"The effects of affirmative action." 

"The emergence of gay rights politics, and ... the attention paid to it in the media." 

"The acceptance of cultural pluralism." 

"The transformation of family life," including "rising divorce rates, changing sexual mores, new household arrangements -- 

and, again, the portrayal of all this in the media." 

"The progress of secularization; the fading of religion in general and Christianity in particular from the public sphere -- classrooms, textbooks, legal codes, holidays, and so on." 

"The virtual abolition of capital punishment." 

"The legalization of abortion." 

"The first successes in the effort to regulate and limit the private ownership of guns."