Friday 25 October 2013

The Breaking of the Storm the name of this painting of the great first martyrs in England in 1535, the great Carthusians of London. I have written about them before. See links below.

Today is the Feast of the 40 Martyrs of England and Wales, a feast which includes the above and SS. Edmund Campion, Cuthbert Mayne, Margaret Ward and others.

I think it is a good time to teach the lives of these saints to your children. Name your new babies after them. Seek their patronage for your families.

My own son is named after two of the greatest martyrs of England. I could senses the signs of the times over 25 years ago.

The Breaking of the Storm will happen in my lifetime and yours.......

Here are some other posts on this subject.

correction from Catholic Online thanks to a reader

In England, these martyrs were formerly commemorated within the Catholic Church by a feast day on 25 October, which is also the feast of Saints Crispin and Crispinian, but they are now celebrated together with all the 284 canonized or beatified martyrs of the English Reformation on 4 May.

In Wales, the Catholic Church keeps 25 October as the feast of the 'Six Welsh Martyrs and their companions'. The Welsh Martyrs are the priests Philip Evans and John Lloyd, John Jones, David Lewis,John Roberts, and the teacher Richard Gwyn. The 'companions' are the 34 English Martyrs listed above. Wales continues to keep 4 May as a separate feast for the beatified martyrs of England and Wales.