Sunday 6 October 2013

The Victory at Lepanto

The Church has two feasts which have been highlighted on this blog before to celebrate Mary's victories over the enemies which wanted to destroy Catholicism.

We have celebrated last month the Holy Name of Mary, September 12th, which is the Victory of the Siege of Vienna, and today, we celebrated on this Sunday, the great Victory at Lepanto, now called the Feast of the Holy Rosary, won on October 7th, in 1571.

There are many histories on line which you can find. I was happy that this diocese celebrated it today so that the entire parish could enjoy the homage to Our Lady. I think with the changing time and the awareness of the increasing violence of the age-old enemies of the Church, we are all more aware of the importance of these two feast days in our calendar.

May Mary continue to watch over Europe and other countries where there is religious freedom so that the great heritage and Truth of Catholicism is not merely a far-away memory.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.