Sunday 17 November 2013

Consolation in A Sermon

Saturday morning at Mass, which followed Lauds with the seminarians and some of the priestly staff at Mundelein, the sermon could have been one of my blogs and twitters from the last two weeks.

First of all, the Gospel was the unjust judge ignoring the widow at the door. I have been identifying with this widow after experiencing a huge injustice in my life. I am banging at the doors to have redress from God.

Second of all, the priest said in his sermon that many people in the Church are SLEEPING.

Wow, he was speaking my language. He said that right now in these difficult times, many Catholics were not paying attention to building the Kingdom of God, but asleep, busy about other, less important things.

Like the unjust judge, they were ignoring not only the poor and helpless, but God Himself, Who was trying to get their attention.

His final point was the quotation of Christ Himself,

Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?"

This has been the Gospel I have been meditating on for over sixteen days. This is the message to the readers of my blog-not to be asleep to the signs of the times. God is calling for a building of the Kingdom now, and not our little kingdoms, but His.

UPDATE: Yes, I did meet Father Barron on Sunday, but we talked about my seminarian son, as he was interested in a Midwest Mum having a son in England. I did shake his hand and said I would pray for his ministries. Now, I shall have to do that, won't I?