Friday 29 November 2013

I am not going shopping today

Ok, can anyone remember what individuals and families did on the day after Thanksgiving before Black Friday became so important?

I remember having parties on the Friday night with my teen friends. I also remember the beginning of the Christmas cookie baking season as initiated on the weekend after Thanksgiving.

With my Byzantine friends, the Saturday after Thanksgiving was a great day for starting the making of pierogies, sold by the parish all through Advent. I love making and eating pierogies.

As an older youth, I remember getting together with friends and going out to a movie, or a concert on that Thanksgiving weekend.

Shopping was not such a big deal, although when I was a teen, there use to be a shopping train between Chicago and Davenport. One could go up for the day and back again.

I did that once with my mom when I was about 17. I got frostbite in my fingers....the Windy City can be really cold and catch people off guard.

What do you remember before Black Friday was "it", or can you not remember that there was such a time?