Wednesday 6 November 2013

Moving to St. Ignatius of Loyola

St. Ignatius in his writings on the Spiritual Exercises speaks of the three kinds of humility. These definitions prove to be helpful for those in the Dark Night. This is a bit of a repetition from a previous post.

The first definition is that one must be subject and obey the Lord God in all things, not disobeying any of the Ten Commandments. Some Catholics do not realize the gravity of mortal sin, and how this state keeps one from the way of holiness.

The second involves the complete detachment of seeking either riches or poverty, but accepting whatever God decides to give.  One cannot desire fame, status, honor, a long life, (or a short life) but rest in an indifference at to what God brings. At this stage of humility, one avoids all venial sin and is grieved if one does commit a venial sin.

This desire not to commit a venial sin means the person is aware of the great holiness of God.

The third definition shows one the way of true perfection, as one now chooses poverty, chooses insults with Christ, rather than honors, and desires to be, as St. Ignatius says, a Fool for Christ.

So was Christ treated....more on the Fools later.