Wednesday 13 November 2013

On Recognizing Cults

I am concerned about the emergence of some new cults seemingly connected to the Church.

I am concerned about some which at first do not look like cults, but are.

I am going to list a few ways to discern is something is cultic. If more than four are answered in the negative or if the answers are vague, beware.

1)      Are the founders treated like gods and not like humans?
2)      Are the founders holy men or holy women?
3)      Are the founders’ lives transparent?
4)      Is there a cult of personality connected with the founders? If so, this is a bad sign.
5)      Are the rules and regulations of the group open and on line?
6)      Can one ask questions and get answers concerning the group?
7)      If one asks questions, and one does not get a reply, are reasons given?
8)      Are the ministries of the group approved by the Vatican?
9)      Are the ministries in keeping with long established ministries in the Church?
10)  Are the lay people free to come and go and discuss openly the group?
11)  If there are writings, books, speeches by the members, as these readily available?
12)  Does the group have diocesan approved spiritual directors, and not “roaming” priests?
13)  If there are spiritual directors, are these priests under the authority of a bishop or bishops?
14)  If the works of the group have nihil obstats or imprimaturs, are these from bishops who are noted for their integrity?
15)  Has there been any whiff of a scandal regarding the group?
16)  Are the financial backings clear and available?
17)  Can people who belong to the group have friends and companions outside the group?
18)  Can people who belong to the group talk freely about the events and even the organization of their day with those outside the group?
19)  Are the teachings of the group in line with the Teaching Magisterium of the Church?

20)  Does the group support spurious, unapproved apparitions or visionaries?