Tuesday 19 November 2013

Sharing in the Passion of Christ

I may start a mini-series on suffering, but just flip through the Dark Night posts for now.

However, I shall say this today. If Catholics are not wearing the stripes of Christ in His Passion on their own bodies, they are not following His Gospel.

Remember when I wrote, several times, that one of the results of the Dark Night is to strip one of the ego?
The ego keeps one from true holiness by projecting a false image of one's self onto the world. This false image may include the pursuit of success and status. It may also include false missions, false ministries, not of God but of one's own self.

If a Catholic is truly following Christ today, in 2013, he should be experiencing the blows of the Passion. Many years ago, a good nun who suffered a great injustice for speaking the truth about someone evil in a school situation, but ended up being asked to leave herself, told me that she wore the stripes of Christ, her Bridegroom on her soul.

I shall never forget this statement. As a nun who was a bride of Christ, she knew she was being invited to suffer in His Passion.

She was wearing His stripes of injustice, false accusation, betrayal by those closest to her, loss of income, status, and the living a life of gross marginalization.

Such is the role of the real Catholic. Ask yourself this question today. How am I joining in the suffering of Our Lord Jesus Christ? If the answer is either, I am not or I do not know, please go back to prayer.