Friday 6 December 2013

The Patron Saint of The Old?

I am more and more impressed by the old Blessed John Paul II than the young.

Many Catholics love him and remember him in his prime, bringing about the fall of communism in Poland, and inspiring thousands of young men to become priests.

But, the Blessed John Paul II, who appeals to me, is the one who endured such suffering towards the end of his long papacy.

The press was not kind to Blessed John Paul II in his last illness. The main-stream-media did not understand the great mystery of illness and pain which God was allowing His servant to suffer.

We are faced with such pain, old age, infirmity, daily. The truth is that God allows this decay for His reasons. One reason is just that such is the result of Original Sin.

One of my friend's mother died after a very short, intense bout with Alzheimer's Disease. The mother died so fast, everyone was surprised. But, the woman had led a saintly life. Those who think about her life now understand that God took her quickly and almost painlessly.

But, Blessed John Paul II followed God's Will in weakness, not in strength at the end.

Pray to him for all those who are experiencing pain and suffering. He may well be the patron saint of the old.