Tuesday 7 January 2014

Attention Brits and Irish

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Ask MEPs to vote against pro-homosexual Lunacek report
6 January 2014
Dear supporter,
Between 3 and 6 February, the European Parliament is expected to debate and vote upon a report by Ulrike Lunacek, an Austrian MEP and the co-president of the European Parliament's homosexual rights group. The report is entitled "Roadmap against homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity".
The Lunacek report:
  • calls for the European Commission and European Union (EU) member-states to recognise homosexual unions contracted in other countries. The aim is to have a pro-homosexual definition of marriage accepted across the whole of the EU. This is a direct attack against true marriage i.e. between a man and a woman.
  • calls upon EU member-states to register and investigate so-called hate crimes against homosexuals, and adopt criminal legislation prohibiting incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. Such legislation serves only to stop people from expressing opposition to the homosexual agenda and has little to do with actual hate.
  • calls upon the EU Commission to continue its current monitoring of issues linked to sexual orientation and gender identity in accession countries. This is a push to make the homosexual rights agenda a condition for membership of the EU.
Proponents of homosexual unions and the homosexual agenda are embarking on an attack on a fundamental natural institution - marriage. These attacks inevitably leave very many innocent and vulnerable victims. Marriage as an institution protects children, both born and unborn. Statistics show that unborn children are much safer within marriage than outside marriage. Same-sex marriage represents an attempt to redefine marriage, thus undermining marriage. This undermining lessens the protection for unborn children which true marriage provides.
You are therefore urged to email MEPs, telling them to vote against the Lunacek report. How to contact MEPs:
Please remember to forward any replies you receive from MEPs to SPUC's political department, either by email to political@spuc.org.uk or by post to SPUC HQ.
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