Wednesday 29 January 2014

Exit Strategy Points One

On Monday, Matt Drudge said we should all have an "exit strategy".

Now, for a Catholic, our ultimate "exit strategy" is eternal life. That is, we prepare for heaven in fear and trembling.

We pursue perfection, not for our own sake, but for the sake of Christ, Whom we love more than anyone other.

He is the Bridegroom.

The second part of the "exit strategy" besides cooperating with grace for eternal life with God, is bringing as many souls as possible with us to heaven.

Members of our immediate families, friends, acquaintances, students, fellow parishioners and so on are all brothers and sisters to try to bring with us. We are called to save souls

The third element of an "exit strategy" must be passing on the Faith to the next generation, as the remnant will be small and we must prepare our children to be saints.

The passing on of the Faith is part of our baptismal promise and for those of us who are or have been married, the promise we give as part of the sacrament of marriage.

A fourth part of an "exit strategy" would be moving to a place where one will not lose one's Faith.

A TLM parish, a Catholic community, near a monastery or convent and other permutations of support will be, not maybe, but will be a necessity. Most people in the hard times will not have access to the sacraments.

The fifth element of an "exit strategy" is to really have an alternative place to go. The early Christians did and many fled the fall of Rome into the countryside and into other countries by necessity. This will be harder this time, as there are more cities, surveillance, a growing tryannical government, and less empty spaces.

But, one must consider possibilities.

Where are your children living? Where can you work and worship most effectively? What do you need to do to prepare both physically and spiritually for persecution?

If you are in denial or complacent, you may not have the strength to persevere.

to be continued.....