Friday 17 January 2014

Meat vs. Cookies

Those who have followed my blog for years know that I have a "thing" about Catholic thinking. Few Catholics think like Catholics. Just follow the tags and labels.

Also, I have a thing about basing one's faith life on private revelations. Just follow the tags and labels.

Here is the problem I met yesterday.

A very good Catholic lady wanted to make a point about salvation in a conversation we were having. All her references were saints personal and fallible visions. She did not reference the Catechism, the Doctors of the Church, the Encyclicals or any of the doctrines or dogmas of the Faith.

This emphasis on getting knowledge from personal, private revelations reveals an immaturity of spirit and a serious anti-intellectualism, (another theme on this blog), which undermines the new evangelization.

We must evangelize from reason not feeling.

We cannot feed cookies and cake to the starving. They need meat. If we have a constant diet of cookies and cake, we would be anemic and diabetic. We would not be able to think properly about issues which face us daily.

For an adult to just eat cookies instead of meat may possibly be a sin.




