Tuesday 28 January 2014

On Community and The Generations

In thinking of the problems of building Catholic community in two countries, America and Great Britain, some factors which did not exist in the past have impacted on the lack of such.

Judging from conversations for three years on and off in England and in America for years, I have to list the problems with community building among Catholics.

1) The individualistic member of the Anglo-Saxon mind-set opposes living with others and sharing, or taking help from others, is difficult.

2) The lack of large families in the last two generations (Gen-X and the Millennials) means that children do not learn how to live in family communities. The one and two child families have not learned to share, give in, sacrifice daily.

3) Catholics are not used to praying together outside of monasteries or church. They have not adopted the recommendation that the laity say Daily Prayer, or the rosary together.

4) Catholics are not aware of the imminent need to gather into supportive communities, for the sake of the children and the sake of women, the elderly, and other vulnerable people.

5) The idea of being a sign of contradiction in the world is hindered by the pursuit of the falsity of the culture, the need to belong and the willingness to compromise. Catholics need to change the culture, not give in to it.

6) Too many parents compromise for the so-called sake of the children. Children need to grow up to be saints, not to be just one more member of the secular society.

7) Simplicity of lifestyle is not seen as part of the way to perfection, which it is.

8) Putting pagan and irreligious family members first, rather than setting up loving communities which would draw them in, is not understood. Catholic friendships need to be the priority over families. "See how they love one another".

More later--to be continued...