Monday 13 January 2014

Spiritual Warfare from the Trenches

God allows Satan freedom these days to test the faithful. Why, I am not sure, except that many who now live will see difficult times, need to learn to be strong, and need to be perfected.

If we give God our lives, our hearts, our wills, He will take us seriously that we want to spend eternity with Him.

If you are not suffering in some way, be worried, as that means Satan no longer has to fight for your soul.
In the past ten days, I have been increasing plagued with severe asthma. The "puffer" is no longer working. I have not slept at all for two nights and two days, going into the third. I was tired to begin with. I am wheezing constantly and need to get new medication. I shall find out today whether I can afford new medication or not.

I also have increasing eye problems and the still injured foot,which because of weather has not been seen by a doctor. The polar vortex early last week interfered with many appointments in this city.

My computer is also not working off and on-I think Windows is slowly breaking up. 

And, the Net is also off and on here, even though the fierce weather has passed.

I no longer am surprised at any of this, nor do I complain. God is in charge and He allows everything to happen.

I thank God for all trials and when I do so, He gives me peace, even though I am very, very tired.

Why God allows this tremendous burden which leaves me weak and confused, and other technical issues here may very well be to purify my mind, my heart, my soul. Indeed, it may also have to do with the fact that when we pray for some people, we are attacked by the evil one, who is angry that efficacious prayers are freeing people of sin, bondage, illnesses.

The "Father of Lies" may come in the guise of a person who says "God does not want suffering. He wants us all to be happy and prosperous". "Live long and prosper" may be an appropriate slogan for Vulcans, but it is not for Christians.

If one thinks one is not going to suffer, one need only read the lives of the saints. There are plenty of examples of stark spiritual warfare.

Pray for me and for all who suffer. Many people write to me for prayers and I try to pray for all the requests.

We are all in this together....just make sure you know who is behind chaos and confusion. It is the evil one.

A true story follows. I chose this to show that wherever we are, whatever we do, whoever we are, the dark evil demons will try and pull us down.

Satan went beyond all the limits of deception when he went to Father Pio pretending to be a penitent. This is the Father Pio’s testimony:  “One day, while I was hearing confessions, a man came to the confessional where I was. He was tall, handsome, dressed with some refinement and he was kind and polite. He started to confess his sins, which were of every kind: against God, against man and against the morals. All the sins were obnoxious! I was disoriented, in fact for all the sins that he told me, but I responded to him with God’s Word, the example of the Church, and the morals of the Saints.   But the enigmatic penitent answered me word for word, justifying his sins, always with extreme ability and politeness.  He excused all the sinful actions, making them sound quite normal and natural, even comprehensible on the human level.. He continued this way with the sins that were gruesome against God, Our Lady, the Saints, always using disrespectful round-about argumentation. He kept this up even with with the foulest of sins that could be conjured in the mind of a most sinful man.  The answers that he gave me with such skilled subtlety and malice surprised me. I wondered: who is he? What world does he come from? And I tried to look at him in order to read something on his face. At the same time I concentrated on every word he spoke, trying to discover any clue to his identity.. But suddenly; through a vivid, radiant and internal light I clearly recognized who he was. With a sound and imperial tone I told him: “Say long live Jesus, long live Mary!” As soon as I pronounced these sweet and powerful names, Satan instantly disappeared in a trickle of fire, leaving behind him an unbearable stench.”  (Don Pierino is a priest and one of the father Pio’s spiritual sons who were present at the same time.)
