Saturday 4 January 2014

The Hour Glass Part Three

Before joining the priests in England, a digression on the great burning of books must be inserted here.

The global government began to push, through the dying EU and the American government, a banning, then a burning of books. The reasoning behind the burning of books in all western countries was that leaders began to realize that liberal education created the legions of rebels against their efforts. Instead of hitting the rebel groups individually, the two governing bodies, which became the United Government of Europe and the Provisional Military Government of America, (the names created by the globalists), the first step was to seize all religious books, all history books not published by the governing bodies and all literature before the year 2018.

Anyone found hoarding books not only had their books taken from them, but these people or organizations were fined and imprisoned. The great universities had agreed to a compromise, which involved an agreement that the governments would allow certain books, but have in place government overseers in charge of the university libraries. Those libraries which refused were taken over and the contents burned. Fines accompanied the burnings.

Most of the Catholic new universities were fined and shut down.

In Europe, the anarchists volunteered to control the burning. All the cities of Europe were purged of religious books, literature, poetry, and history books.  In some places, the Muslem communities helped the government destroy the infidels books. This seemed like a good idea until the government began destroying the holy books of Islam. Civil war waged in some countries, like Germany and England, until the great endless winters overtook most activities.

But, the books were gone, or at least, seemed to be. During this time, and even before, the Pope had ordered all clergy to memorize the texts mentioned earlier.

In Rome, the Pope had also organized the shipment of libraries and art work to places in Africa. Some thought Anselm himself was there in hiding, but no one knew for sure. Like the contraband books, Anselm was, at least temporarily, safe.

In England, the glaciers were diverted but the snows and ice storms interrupted life. Columcille and Samuel worked together as did all priests.

And, this morning, Columcille was relieved to see Samuel returning as the laity were leaving Mass. But, Samuel was heading for the cave with two other people. One was Ann Swallow, and the other was her husband, Max. What was most astounding was that Ann was walking and smiling, not at all looking like a woman of 75 facing death. And, what was also amazing, was that Max was with her, the same agnostic husband who had caused the most pain in this good woman's life by openly deriding her beloved Catholicism most of their married life.

to be continued....