Thursday 16 January 2014

The Litany of Loreto Rosary-Part 12-The Glorious Mysteries-The First Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection

The Litany of Loreto Rosary The First Glorious Mystery The Resurrection John 20:1-18

Our Father

Virgin Mother Mary,  as you died with Christ by enduring Calvary, so have you been raised by Him into glory. Pray that we may be always willing to die and then to rise with Christ.

Hail Mary one

Mark 14:24
This is my blood of the new covenant, which is being shed for many.

Hail Mary two

Comfort of the Afflicted
Simone Weil, the Jewish philosopher and mystic, wrote that affliction by definition is physical, emotional and mental pain inflicted on the innocent. It is in the nature of affliction that it attacks the pure of heart. Mary was afflicted with Christ and is the most afflicted woman in history. Mary experienced spiritually, emotionally, mentally all her Son's agony, which was the entire, whole agony of the human race. Weil's idea of malheur fits Mary perfectly. All women who  have suffered, the woman who has lost her husband in war, the mother who has seen her child die because of the concentration camp horrors, the woman whose lover has been mocked by enemies, all are the Mater Dolorosa. Yet, in Mary alone is our comfort, for in her is found endurance, faith, hope, peace and the way to the empty tomb, to the victory of Christ's Resurrection, which is Mary's victory and ours.

Hail Mary three

Comfort us, Mother, with the hope of new life, won by your Son, through affliction.

Hail Mary four

Mark 16:2-3
And very early on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb, when the sun had just risen. And they were saying to one another, "Who will roll the stone back from the entrance of the tomb for us?"

Hail Mary five

Help of Christians
The women at the tomb questioned who would help them remove the barrier to their Beloved Jesus. How often do we perceive barriers, keeping us from Christ, from love? Mary is our help to remove the wall keeping love and Christ away. Her name, Help of Christians, resounds like a battle-cry. The spiritual journey is a personal battle, a war against confusion, laziness, sin, despair.

Hail Mary six

Mary, the Lord, Victor, is with you. Help of Christians, aid us in facing our inner darkness of sin and imperfections, that we may be raised to new life in Christ.  Amen.

Hail Mary seven

Mark 16:5
But on entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting at the right side, clothed in a white robe, and they were amazed.

Hail Mary eight

Queen of Angels
Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord, left a messenger in the tomb. The concepts of angels and queens are lost to many modern minds. And yet, we have eye-witness accounts as to the presence of this angel in the tomb. The Lord employed His servant-spirits to bear the news of His Incarnation and His Resurrection-the two events so tied in history. Mary is the leader, the sovereign, over all these spiritual beings who praise and serve God constantly. She, who said "yes" readily to the Will of God for just this moment in history, the Resurrection of Christ, the victory over Death and damnation, is now Queen of Angels. Like the angels, the Queen is worthy of reigning over those whose entire existence is saying yes constantly in joy to God. The family of God includes a variety of creatures who serve and love God, angels and men. Mary is Queen of all.

Hail Mary nine

Pray for us, Queen of Angels, that someday we may each join the angels in heaven praising the Risen Lord.

Hail Mary ten

Glory be

Fatima Prayer