Friday 24 January 2014

The Weakness of The Pro-Life Movement in Great Britain and Some Suggestions

I have noticed a great weakness in the Pro-Life Movement in Great Britain, which is in danger of falling apart for several reasons.

May I outline these problems so that the bishops may be listening, which I doubt, but I hope one is reading this post.

One, the Catholic Church must be orthodox about having leaders who are in keeping with the total teaching of Pro-Life, which means anti-abortion in all cases, against all euthenasia, against IVF and so on. All life issues carefully clarified by the Teaching Magisterium must be held sacred.

Two, those who are into "informed dissent" and not orthodox should not be in any leadership positions in the Pro-Life movement in GB, as that person, intentionally or not, allows the proverbial "smoke of Satan" into the organizations with compromise and deceit.

Three, priests who are Pro-Life must also be straight-down-the wicket orthodox and not fudging on such things as the excommunication and necessary faculties for releasing Catholic women from such penalities. Some diocesan bishops in America have given all their priests these faculties which were, if one remembers, given to all priests by the Pope Emeritus at WYD at Barcelona. These faculties are specifically given.

Four, such good work as done by professional groups with professional counselors trained in psychology and counseling with degrees, not merely with certificates from dubouis new age healing groups, should be hired by Pro-Life groups and work in the political field as well.

Five, professionals belong at the top, those with degrees in communications, media, political science, theology, philosophy and other related issues to help raise the tone of Pro-Life communication and organization must be sought out. This issue is too important for just nice moms who have some slight background to take over. We need professionals and even single people or people with time, talent, and expertise to take over the movement.

Six, as in the States, there has to be an acceptance of the different roles of the different groups in Pro-Life work. Some are political, some for private counseling and so on. All can work in their separate fields but work together at the large, media and political gatherings and stop arguing over the different perspectives.
All have something to do. If the groups are alienated and this must stop. All have something to do.

Seven, the teaching of contraception must be part of the Pro-Life message with an emphasis on NFP. Satan works through the contraceptive mentality and weakens the Church from within. There can be no strong Pro-Life, anti-abortion message without dealing with contraception.

Eight, Humanae Vitae must be studied and used regularly as well as the other life encyclicals. We have great teaching which is ignored.

Nine, the time for semi-professionalism is OVER and it is time for real professionalism must start.

Ten, the time for setting aside egos and "patches of power" is OVER. A spirituality of Pro-Life is absolutely the path to personal holiness and the knowledge of real Catholic teaching. Without deep humility and personal holiness, the movement will fail.

I hope one bishop reads this.