Saturday 22 February 2014

Another STM Manifesto

Something has changed in the atmosphere of Catholic life. We use to be normalized in America to working in the background, behind the trenches, quietly moving groups who were pro-abortion, or pro-contraception or pro-homosexual "rights". Most of the cardinals and bishops actually were trained to dialogue with evil and try to work with groups instead of hitting the problems from the front, as it were.

Now, in military terms, a rear guard action is determined by the enemy, not be the tacticians, who respond to evil instead of taking the offensive. A rear guard actions are basically working out of a retreat.

No more will this be possible if the Church is to survive in America.

We can no longer have detente with evil. And we can, no more, be content with rear guard actions, letting others determine how we respond and what we do.

If you and I are not actively evangelizing, if we are not actively creating communities, if we are not strong is building pods and determining the future of the Church in our own areas, we shall not only lose ground but we shall lost the war in our generation.

A frontal assault is the only way to win a battle. I shall repeat this. Taking the offensive is the only way to wind a battle.

One of the great evils of our times has been the dropping of history in high schools and in colleges as required subjects. Two generations now have no concept of strategic warfare or the dangers of false negotiating. False negotiating led to the stupidity of the Yalta Agreement, where the United States gave up the chance to control the march of communism under Stalin. The fact that when we were in a strong position and gave up the chance to even stop Stalinism, and by force after the war, meant that million of people suffered and that the Catholic religion was destroyed in several countries, not yet revived, such as in the Czech Republic.

So, as Catholics, you must decide to become more and more aggressive in the Faith. To think that the Early Church was passive is revisionist history.

The Church spread the Faith not only by the blood of the martyrs, but by writing, teaching and setting up schools, preaching, and being active in art as well.

You can decide whether you want to act like a soldier in retreat or to be on the frontal attack.

We can choose..............