Sunday 23 February 2014

Doctors of the Church 2:76 St. Peter Damian

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Pope Benedict XVI on the Love of Peter Damian-DoC series

The scholarship of our dear Pope Emeritus is seen clearly in this selection from his talk on St. Peter Damian from Benedict XVI General Audience Address September 9, 2009 found here on the Vatican website.
I am glad to highlight two great men here today.
St Peter Damian, who was essentially a man of prayer, meditation and contemplation, was also 
a fine theologian: his reflection on various doctrinal themes led him to important conclusions for 
life. Thus, for example, he expresses with clarity and liveliness the Trinitarian doctrine, already 
using, under the guidance of biblical and patristic texts, the three fundamental terms which were subsequently to become crucial also for the philosophy of the West: processio, relatio and persona (cf. Opusc. XXXVIII: PL CXLV, 633-642; and Opusc.II and III: ibid., 41 ff. 
and 58 ff). However, because theological analysis of the mystery led him to contemplate the 
intimate life of God and the dialogue of ineffable love between the three divine Persons, he drew 
ascetic conclusions from them for community life and even for relations between Latin and Greek Christians, divided on this topic. His meditation on the figure of Christ is significantly reflected in practical life, since the whole of Scripture is centred on him. The "Jews", St Peter Damian notes, "through the pages of Sacred Scripture, bore Christ on their shoulders as it were" (Sermo XLVI, 15). Therefore Christ, he adds, must be the centre of the monk's life: "May Christ be heard in our language, may Christ be seen in our life, may he be perceived in our hearts" (Sermo VIII, 5). 
Intimate union with Christ engages not only monks but all the baptized. Here we find a strong 
appeal for us too not to let ourselves be totally absorbed by the activities, problems and 
preoccupations of every day, forgetting that Jesus must truly be the centre of our life.
Communion with Christ creates among Christians a unity of love. In Letter 28, which is a brilliant ecclesiological treatise, Peter Damian develops a profound theology of the Church as communion. "Christ's Church", he writes, is united by the bond of charity to the point that just 
as she has many members so is she, mystically, entirely contained in a single member; in such 
a way that the whole universal Church is rightly called the one Bride of Christ in the singular, and each chosen soul, through the sacramental mystery, is considered fully Church". This is important: not only that the whole universal Church should be united, but that the Church should be present in her totality in each one of us. Thus the service of the individual becomes "an expression of universality" (Ep28, 9-23). However, the ideal image of "Holy Church" illustrated by Peter Damian does not correspond as he knew well to the reality of his time. For this reason he did not fear to denounce the state of corruption that existed in the monasteries and among the clergy, because, 
above all, of the practice of the conferral by the lay authorities of ecclesiastical offices; various 
Bishops and Abbots were behaving as the rulers of their subjects rather than as pastors of souls. 
eir moral life frequently left much to be desired.
That St. Peter Damian spent his life helping the Church and the Papacy with many things which needed reforming is a good reason to pray to him today....To be continued......