Thursday 13 February 2014

On The Growing Evil

One of the most obvious things to me being back in America for three months is the obviously raw evil which is bombarding the people here.

I am not referring to the evils of abortion or same-sex marriage, which is growing. I have never seen such an onslaught of satanism as I have seen in the past two months, such as the real satanic chants on the Grammies and the satanist lyrics of the band which sang at the Super Bowl.

Is anyone paying attention? Does anyone care? If anyone is watching these things on their television, that person is allowing the demons of the air in his or her own home.

Get real! So many leaders are into satanism. An exorcist told me years ago that in some cities in the Midwest, the main governmental leaders, including mayors, were into satanist cults.

Get real! Satan gives temporal power. He gives money. He makes agreement with people who want their own kingdoms on earth.

If you are letting your children watch television, you will be responsible to God for any evil which these children encounter.

Many, many home schoolers do not have televisions.

Computer games are also problems. This is so obvious to see-obvious evil-coming from Europe after three years.

The frog in the water..................most people do not see this.

Do not let your own children become hostage in satan's games.