Saturday 8 February 2014

Superb articles on UN hatred of the Church

Snippet One....

Hendershott discussed what she sees as the crux of the matter regarding the relationship between the UN and the Vatican.
“Quite honestly, all of this Vatican bashing is about population control,” she said. “The UN sees population control as a panacea. Bill and Melinda Gates are part of this also – they are big population control people. The Church stands in their way of controlling population on a global scale, and so the UN has to marginalize the Church.”

Snippet Two

In other words, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child is now lobbying the Catholic Church for the “Right of the Child” to enjoy access to unrestricted sexual behavior. Isn’t this exactly how a small percentage of Catholic clergy got in trouble to begin with?  Every investigation of the clergy abuse scandal—including the John Jay study—revealed that the clergy abuse scandal was primarily about a small number of priests having sexual relations with adolescent boys.
The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has no authority to enforce any of its recommendations.  The Church should ignore it.

Also Snippet Three

“Defense of religious freedom is no small matter in a world where people, including children, get murdered for simply going to church,” she continued, pointing to more than 80 Christians – including children – who were killed at a church in Pakistan in September 2013." (Sr. Walsh)
“When the U.N. committee strays into the culture wars to promote abortion, contraceptives and gay marriage, it undermines its noble cause and trades concern for children to concern for organizations with other agendas,” Sr. Walsh said.
“What a lost opportunity.”