Monday 24 February 2014

The Catholic "New Army"

I was musing in the middle of the night and this morning. Those of you who have written to me that you cannot find real Catholic mates, especially those of you who love the TLM, may I say that I think God is raising up an army-a new army.

This is not Cromwell's New Army, but Christ's New Army. This army will be made up of all those singles, in some places, up to 33%, who, for some reason or other, cannot find the woman or the man who God has called to be a husband, has not found the woman. As that finding is blocked or thwarted, one can choose other possibilities.

Singles, let me challenge you to begin a New Order of prayer, fasting and daily Mass, if possible. Go to Confession weekly, but most importantly, pray for Holy Mother Church.

Recently, I have become aware of the power of Mary under the title of Virgo Potens. I have only found on not so attractive print of her under that title.

Perhaps some enterprising young single can draw a new Virgo Potens based on the print at the side of this blog.

But, imagine, an army of dedicated singles who love God first, and are willing to suffer for the Faith, setting aside pleasure and personal gain for the Kingdom of God.

I imagine these singles choosing to be in this New Army by pursuing perfection, perhaps even using the 600 plus posts on this blog on the journey to perfection. I do not see this New Army as part of the corrupt and compromised old groupings of third orders or even worldly oblates.

Do not waste time with those who do not want perfection and who desire detente with the world,

What say you?

Can you imagine such a staunch New Army of those who love Christ so much that they chose God's Will first in the world, always?

Do not waste your singleness, if you cannot get married or do not think you have a call to the priesthood or religious life. Do not waste grace.