Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Death of Creativity-Part One

Man and woman were created by God in His Image and Likeness. That Image and Likeness includes free will, the intellect, and creativity. I have noticed a huge lack of creativity in the arts of all kinds. Most fine art and music is either retro or derivative.

Most fashions, except for a few "houses" now reveal only a desire to sexualize men and women even more, and provide a glimpse of further degradation of gender.

Most architecture seems to revert back to the ugliest types of monumental and tasteless designs, as the rational bends under the weight of imperialism of all sorts.

Men and women cannot be truly creative without God within the core of the soul, heart, mind. As we are made in God's image and likeness, we either submit to His Rule and become like Him, or try to become like little gods, making all in the image and likeness of ourselves.

Making music or fine art into our own image and likeness may be called "idolatry".

One humans become the centers of creativity, satan follows quickly, as men and women become bored with themselves and seek a false titillation.

America has fallen into an ugliness which has never been seen before in human creations.

If parents let their children be surrounded by ugliness, these parents will watch these young people slip away from religious sensibilities.

For the pursuit of religion is the pursuit of beauty and truth.

Ask yourself these questions. Is there beauty in my life? Do I listen to beautiful music and look at beautiful fine art to feed my soul? Do I know that God is Beauty?  Do I pursue Beauty?

Do I know that my own seeking the Image and Likeness of God forms part of my seeking Truth?