Wednesday 19 March 2014

Answering A Small Question

Someone asked me, "How will the Church be persecuted?'

One only has to look at the Nazi and Communist regimes to answer this question.

First, no collections would be allowed. Then, no laity would be allowed to give loans or grants to the Church.

Second, bulletins and newspapers which are Catholic (and most likely, bloggers) would not be able to use what is deemed to be hate speech. In other words, references to homosexual acts as sin, or abortion as sin, would be illegal.

Third, fines would be inflicted on those publications not conforming.

Fourth, Catholic publishers, writers, teachers, religious and priests would be imprisoned for not supporting gay rights, ssm, abortion and so on.

Fifth, priests would be targeted for not blessing or marrying gays. These priests would be fined and, finally, imprisoned.

Sixth, priests would be arrested for using "hate speech" from the pulpit and hate speech could be anything the government decides it is.

Seven, oaths would be inflicted on the laity to support government policies contrary to the Catholic Faith. Those who refused these oaths would be fined and, finally, imprisoned.

Eight, Catholic publications would be forced to conform to the false teaching of the government and fined otherwise or imprisoned.

Nine, children will be taken away from parents who home school.

Ten, churches will be sold to pay fines.

to be continued...