Saturday 8 March 2014

I can see the hell in people...

Well, with the Net down most of the day and my eye is very tired, I did not get much done in the past 24 hours, as readers can see for themselves.

The world is turning into a quagmire of materialism and consumerism, run by tin-pot tyrants, who will be dropped as soon as their usefulness is over.

What strikes me daily are the many saints who say that most people actually go to hell. I can see the hell in people already:

the doctor who has not real care but only talks about how much money he can make with certain procedures; the mother who refuses to correct her children because she wants to be their friend; the grandmother who will not speak the truth to her grandchildren because she fears they will cut her off'; the wife who gives in to a rapacious husband and against her conscience practices birth control-these are all examples of people carrying hell around in their souls already.

What I hope I am doing is speaking to the few who are open and listening. That is all I can do.

Christ calls each and every one of us to evangelize in some way daily.

Sometimes, it is by dropping a hint, a seed.

Sometimes it is watering a little seed someone else has dropped.

Once in a while, it is harvesting the full-grown plant others have planted and watered.

But, work we must in the field, at whatever stage.

Do not carry hell around in your soul. Be a maker, a grower, and work for the Kingdom of God because you have heaven in your soul.